Liberal Animation (1988) Ribbed (1990) White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean (1992) Punk in Drublic (1994) I Heard They Suck Live!! (1995) Heavy Petting Zoo (1996) So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes (1997) The Decline (1999) Pump Up the Valuum (2000) 45 or 46 Songs That Werent Good Enough to Go on Our Other Records (2002) The War on Errorism (2003) Wolves in Wolves Clothing (2006) Theyve Actually Gotten Worse Live(2007) Coaster (2009) Cokie the Clown (2009) The Longest EP (2010) Self Entitled (2012)
Liberal Animation (1988)
Ribbed (1990)
White Trash, Two Heebs and a Bean (1992)
Punk in Drublic (1994)
I Heard They Suck Live!! (1995)
Heavy Petting Zoo (1996)
So Long and Thanks for All the Shoes (1997)
The Decline (1999)
Pump Up the Valuum (2000)
45 or 46 Songs That Werent Good Enough to Go on Our Other Records (2002)
The War on Errorism (2003)
Wolves in Wolves Clothing (2006)
Theyve Actually Gotten Worse Live(2007)
Coaster (2009)
Cokie the Clown (2009)
The Longest EP (2010)
Self Entitled (2012)
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